New in 2021! Secure your Tax Return with an IRS Protection PIN
New in 2021! Secure your Tax Return with an IRS Protection PIN Starting this year, the IRS is now allowing people to voluntarily opt in to its [...]
Beware of Fraudulent Unemployment Claims
Beware of Fraudulent Unemployment Claims Unfortunately, fraudulent unemployment claims have dramatically increased and affected hundreds of thousands. What happens is this: imposters file unemployment claims for people [...]
Beware Bank Wire Fraud
Bank wires can be an easy and convenient way to transfer money quickly and is often used for real estate purchases and other large transactions. At the [...]
IRS Child Tax Credit Payments
IRS Child Tax Credit Payments Beginning July 15th, the IRS started sending out advanced payments for the [...]
Regularly Target Senior Citizens and Immigrants
Many government agencies repeatedly warn against scams targeting senior citizens and immigrants. Warnings come from agencies that [...]
Potential Social Security Cost-of-Living Adjustment in 2022
Social Security includes cost-of-living (COLA) adjustments based on increases in the Consumer Price Index for Wage [...]