Individual Stock Portfolios
We have processes in place that utilize both advanced data analytics as well as tried and true methods to find quality, long term stocks. We take a “top down” approach to finding these stocks. We first look at the overall market and determine which sectors of the economy we wish to invest in, then use our data and analytics to find what we feel are the most suitable companies in each of those sectors.
Each client’s portfolio allocations are matched up to their individual plan. There is no “one size fits all” – each client has a comprehensive plan that is used as the basis for their investment allocations.

Company Retirement Planning
For business owners, offering a company retirement plan can be the difference between hiring and retaining the best talent. Yet business retirement plans are numerous and can be confusing, with a lot of moving parts to take into consideration. We help you evaluate and decide which retirement plan works best for your unique situation and walk you through everything you need to get the plan up and running.
For employees, we help analyze your investment options to find the best investment choices for your situation.
For self-employed individuals, we help set up a small-company retirement plan that maximizes retirement savings while minimizing taxes.

Business Succession Planning
Establishing a solid business succession plan is a game-changer for business owners, providing peace of mind that the business will move forward as desired when changes occur. Some of those changes could include when an owner dies, retires, becomes disabled, gets divorced, or sells their ownership stake. Other changes include when new partners are brought on or the business is sold. We help you determine the optimal succession plan for your business and the tools you need to keep the plan running smoothly when those changes inevitably occur. We guide you on business valuation options and knowing when to sell based on your goals and needs.